Groundhog Nights MF anal creampie inter

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

July 14, 2015

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Chapter 14: Refocusing

Chapter Cast:

Quinn, Male, 41
- Narrator, project manager, father of Tera
- 6'0, beige skin, 190lbs, wavy blonde-brown hair a few inches long
Tera, Female, 15
- High School Freshman, daughter of Quinn
- 5'7, pale-beige skin, 135lbs, shoulder-length bright copper-red hair
Mira, Female, late-30s
- Coworker of Quinn, mother of Keisha
- 5'10, dark-brown skin, 160lbs, black curly hairy in braids

Days 1.045 - 1.048

I spent the next three days holding back from seeking my own pleasure. Instead of looking for a new partner, or returning to a previous one, I took Tera to her dances and spent each evening relaxing and trying to refocus my mind. It was a very cathartic time, one I didn't know I needed until I felt so much better waking up on my forty-eighth day stuck.

I felt mentally refreshed and calm. I still had some ways to go to seek self-forgiveness for Shawna and for the young girls, for the harm that I had caused to Kylie that night. I knew those harms were reset and lost, but I still remembered, and the days off from seeking sex had allowed me to consider my situation more fully.

I spent a lot of time in self-reflection, trying to decide what sort of man I wanted to be. Forever stuck in a loop, where nothing I did lasted longer than my small window of time, I knew there were many grey areas, many ways in which I could explore the world and relationships without the normal consequences harming the future. But I decided that morality was not only about what other people remembered, not just about the long-term impact of decisions, but it had to include my own views of my actions and the ways in which I thought about myself afterwards.

I was surprised to find that my thoughts of Tera, the relationship I wanted with her, was not positioned on the immoral side of my line. I tried hard to reevaluate that point, told myself over and over that it was wrong to want a sexual relationship with my daughter, that her age, her innocence, her trust in me, my role as her father and protector, those all should have meant that we could never explore our physical and emotional boundaries that way.

But I came to a conclusion I did not expect. I still needed time to clear the darker parts of my acts from my thoughts, but when I was ready, I accepted that I would explore further the relationship with Tera which included more than just her wonderful kisses. We'd been so close a couple of times, so close to making love, and I knew she was willing and ready to be with me on those nights. I found that it was a goal worth pursuing within my loop, that, when it was finally the right time, Tera and I would find pleasure and love, even if just that one night.

I wondered beyond that night, about what would happen then. Once I had her, I knew I would want her again and again, over and over, at least until it began to lose its edge, its new relationship energy slowly drifting from me, the effects of the loop's restrictions too taxing. All physical relationships had that slide, even if love was still there, even if the caring and the compassion were strong and wonderful, and the loop just added a unique twist to a very old problem. I knew it happened, that it was part of being human, and I had to project out to how that might work in my world.

Part of me felt a touch sad that we would get to that point, that, once I had made love to my daughter and taken her virginity over and over, I might choose to spend nights with someone else occasionally, that I might choose Kylie or Jules or Abby, or someone new, instead of Tera. I found myself resigned to that possibility, but I feared that the benefits of consequence-free fun with my daughter would have drawbacks, as well. I worried that some time in the future of my loop that Tera would just be another warm body to which I made love instead of the very special young woman I wanted most in the world.

I hoped I never treated my daughter with anything less than the love and respect she deserved.

Like I said, I felt better despite all the confusion and the worry. I had needed to take the time to really step back and consider my new life, the one where time reset over and over. It required new understandings of myself and of others, especially Tera. I had to be myopic for others, making decisions about them based only on the narrow window of time they would remember before each reset. I had to be much more long-term for myself, aware that everything I did would stay with me, bringing me fond memories or haunting my steps along the way.

It brought me back to the girls. Jacey and her sister Heather. I still found myself aroused by what I'd done, and though troubling, there was a decided innocence to our play. It had been fun curiosity on their part, and they had clearly enjoyed it until Kylie stopped us. I found that I couldn't decide if I could completely rule out doing something similar in the future. I wasn't sure I wanted to lock away that opportunity. If it happened, I decided, it could only be with a clear mind and no regrets.

It was another very surprising conclusion, really. I had put that experience, the one where I was caught by Kylie licking seven-year old Jacey's pussy, into a dark hole, one I needed to redeem myself over. I couldn't undo that decision, but I found that, in the future, I wouldn't utterly refuse to participate if the situation was right, and might even consider trying again with Jacey and Heather. I knew I'd have to prepare Kylie in some way, to keep her from reacting in the same manner, but what that might involve, I wasn't sure. I was sure, however, that the possibilities of that situation would boil slowly until I knew how to proceed.

I know, I know. I may have crossed a very hard line. Several. But it is important to understand the way the loop was affecting those sorts of decisions. Why would one consider what I'd done with Jacey and Heather bad? In the normal progression of time, they would have encountered those who would explain how I had abused them, taken advantage of them, preyed on them. They would have felt embarrassment and shame perhaps, and think on those moments with fear and self-doubt. They might feel hatred for me, for my abuse, and, in such a normal progression, they would have every right to that. In the normal progression, I would never even consider doing anything like what I was pondering.

But in the loop, none of those eventual consequences came about. If Kylie had not been there, the girls and I would have had a fun time with innocent exploration. Touching, kissing, tasting. I'd have never forced anything, instead letting the girls' natural curiosities lead us along. The idea of that was arousing and would be pleasurable for all of us. I found that I wouldn't avoid those situations in the future.

I'd certainly be much more careful about being caught, however. I didn't want anyone to be harmed the way Kylie was that night, even if that harm disappeared with the next reset. So long as the events played out kindly and with consent, as much as any young girl could give it, I thought I'd be willing to explore what was offered and available.

A lot more thoughts went through my mind in those days, more than I can remember and repeat. But I found myself with a refreshed outlook on my situation. I was resigned to being stuck, but also willing to accept the freedom and opportunities which were offered in my unique state of being. The future, and many tender thighs, would be wide open.

- - -

On the forty-eighth day, I took Tera to her dance, my mind more at ease than it had been in days. I even kissed her cheek as I escorted her to the door, causing her pale cheeks to turn bright red. “Jeez, Dad. Don't embarrass me...”

“Sorry, Sweetheart. Just love you...”

“I know, I know... okay... love you, too...” she stammered, her skin flushed, before she headed inside.

I resisted Abby's attempts to draw me in, though I admit I was tempted to feel her wonderful body under mine again. I did ensure that her parents gave my daughter a ride home, freeing me for the rest of the night.

I decided to call up a coworker of mine. Mira was a tall, brown-skinned woman in her late thirties who worked in my office. She and I had a great working relationship but had never spent time together outside of business hours. I wondered if she might be interested in changing that.


“Hi Mira, it's Quinn.”

“Well, hello, Quinn. Everything ok at the office?” she replied, her voice softer than I expected, her usual brisk tone replaced with a more carefree cadence.

“Oh, yeah, no issues there. Actually, I was just calling to see if you might be free this evening.”


“You know, like, go get a drink.”

“Are you asking me on a date, Quinn?” I couldn't read into her words to tell if she was surprised, put off, or interested.

“I suppose,” I replied. “If you want to call it that. I thought you might enjoy a night out for a change.” I knew she was divorced and, like me, had no romantic relationship at that moment.

She was silent a moment, then said, “yeah, sure. I'd like that. What did you have in mind?”

“Oh, I dunno, I just worked up the nerve to ask you.”

Mira laughed, replied, “well, I've been wanting to go down to Juniper, the place on Third. I've heard they have great cocktails.”

“Sounds great. Do you want to meet there or should I pick you up?”

“How about I meet you there, say around eight-fifteen? I need some time to get ready.”

“Sounds great, Mira. I'll see you then!”

I hung up and slowly drove down to the coffee shop near Juniper, and sat sipping a latte for a while, watching the comings and goings of the patrons. There was a lot of eye candy, both legal age and younger. Several girls came in at one point, dressed in tight shorts which hugged their developing hips, and loose tops over blossoming breasts, probably none of them older than fourteen. I tried not to stare when one dropped her cash and bent over with her lovely ass in my direction. I tried not to, but my desire to admire the teen's backside won out.

I checked my watch some time later and found that it was close to the time I should meet Mira, so I tossed my cup and walked a few doors down and slid into Juniper.

The place was modeled after old British gin bars, giving it an old-world feel despite the neon signs which were featured on the large windows. I didn't see Mira, so I took a stool at the bar and waited.

Mira arrived just a couple of minutes late. She looked stunning. Her curly black hair was pulled back into two braids and tightly nestled along her scalp. The muted blue dress ran from twin straps over her shoulders down below her knees, accenting her dark brown skin beautifully. She smiled at me as she approached.

“Well, hello, Quinn. You look great.” I had earlier that night shaved and put on a nice outfit of slacks and a collared shirt. “Thanks for the invite.”

“You're welcome,” I replied, “and, wow. You look amazing.”

Mira grinned and settled onto a stool next to me. “What are you drinking?”

“Gin and tonic with lime. Seemed appropriate here,” I responded.

“Sounds good to me.” She got the bartender's attention and soon was sipping her own.

“So,” she said a bit hesitantly, “what brought this on?”

“Asking you on a date?” I shrugged. “I dunno. I guess I like you from work and you seem like someone who might be fun to spend some time with.”

“Well, thanks again. I haven't been on a date in months, really. Thanks for thinking of me.”

“My pleasure.” I sipped my gin. “So... what do you do for fun outside of work?”

She looked out at the large group of people coming into the bar. “Not much these days. I used to like to play my flute, sometimes with a small band that played down at the Jeezy's, the jazz club a few blocks down. With Keisha hitting that age... it's been harder to find time to get out.”

“Keisha...” I had forgotten that she had a daughter, “ah, right. How is Keisha?”

“A handful. Nothing bad, she's just at that age where girls start to get some ideas... She'll be fourteen in a few weeks, I'd swear she was going on twenty-five.”

I laughed. “I can relate. My daughter Tera is fifteen. It's becoming harder and harder to think of her as my little girl.” That was true in so many unspoken ways.

“Are you letting her date yet?” Mira asked.

I nodded. “Sort of, yes. She hasn't gone out on her own on a date, but I had given her permission to do so tonight... it... didn't work out, though, so she's down at the youth dance.”

“Keisha's at that point at thirteen. I haven't let her have dates, not without a chaperone, but I know she's already talking to boys...”

“Not easy to deal with, right? Don't want to think that our daughters get those urges--” I broke off, realizing that perhaps I'd gone too far.

Mira didn't show concern, smiling and waving her arm, “tell me about it. I'm sure you know what it's like, trying to avoid seeing and hearing the things horny girls do with their time...”

I certainly understood, but I didn't voice what I really thought.

Mira continued, “I've gotten to where I just don't even bother walking up to her door. I just text her when I want something, you know? Maybe that's strange, but I just don't want to hear it...”

I laughed. “Been there, avoided that.” True in some senses, less so in others. “I guess we were that age, right? I suppose I remember that a bit.”

Mira nodded. “Guess so. I can't say I was any different when I was Keisha's age.”

There was an awkward silence a moment.

Mira broke it, saying, “look at us, Quinn, barely down one drink and we're already talking sex.” We laughed together, and she continued, “I'd have never believed you were so easy to talk to, not from work. Not that you're cold or anything, just... you keep focused and businesslike there. Good to see that you loosen up a bit when you're out.”

“You, too. I have always thought highly of you and enjoy working with you, but until tonight, never considered whether you might be a fun date.”

Mira looked at me a moment, the put her hand on mine. “Let's go dancing, Quinn. I haven't been in so long. Would you go dancing with me?”

I smiled, “I'd love to, sure. Any place you like?”

She laughed, looked back at me, “it may sound strange, but the line-dancing place by the new mall. Yeah, I'm a black woman who likes country music. What can I say?”

I wasn't much of a country fan, but I was very interested in spending more time with Mira. “Sounds great. Shall we close out our checks and head over?”

She agreed and offered to drive us both. I slid into the passenger seat of her large sedan.

It took fifteen minutes to get there, and we shared light conversation about people at the office and how we neither had the energy to do more than work.

After we parked, she looked at me, hesitated only a second, then planted a kiss on my cheek, pulling back with a smile. “This is fun, Quinn. Let's go!”

She led me inside to where the lights were spinning a rainbow of colors and a large dance floor held several dozen people line-dancing. We found a high table near the back and sat down to order and watch. I couldn't help noticing that Mira had moved her chair very close to me. Perhaps it was that she wished to be heard over the loud music, but perhaps it was something more intimate.

“Ever line-danced?” she asked me in a near-shout.


“It's not too hard, just watch a bit, you'll get it.”

We both ordered a drink called the Moderate Waltz, which was a mix of rum, orange liquor, and lemon-lime soda. Mira laughed regularly as we chatted, and it didn't take long for her to start touching my arm or my leg while talking. I started to do the same in response.

She finally dragged me up to the wooden floor when they announced a simple line would be danced. Mira showed me quickly the steps, then took my hand on one side, a short older woman taking my other.

I felt awkward throughout, but I gave it my best. I stumbled a few times, and Mira laughed good-naturedly as I fought to stay in step. We stayed on for a second dance, a different simple line, and I didn't do much better.

The DJ announced that there would be a period of free dancing to follow, and the first track set the mood. It was a lively, fiddle-driven diddy that I didn't much care for, but it did create a good beat for dancing near Mira. She was an excellent dancer, had great timing, and her smiles were incredibly infectious.

A second fast song followed, and then the mood became softer as a slow ballad played. Mira looked at me as if asking if we should slow dance together, and I took her hand and pulled her close. Her body pressed into mine as we swayed and moved gently across the floor. The longer the song went, the more her arms drew me in. When the song switched to a faster one, Mira whispered into my ear, “I'm having a great time!”

“Me too,” I replied.

She drew back and looked at me a moment as we started to leave the dance floor. Mira followed behind and after we sat down and finished our drinks, she stared at my face, finally asking, “would you like to get out of here?”

“Up to you, where would you like to go?”

I saw a broad smile form. “My place...”

I returned her grin, and nodded. “I'd love that.”

- - -

Mira drove me back to my car, saying nothing more about what we were about to do. She kissed my cheek again as I started to get out, but before she could pull back, I turned and brought my lips to hers. She melted instantly, moaning as our tongues twirled together. It was a long kiss, one which left me hard, and, I suspected, made Mira's panties grow wetter.

I followed her to her house a few miles away and parked behind her in the drive. Mira led me inside, and offered me a glass of Merlot, which I accepted.

“Give me just a minute, need to tell Keisha I here... with company...”

Mira disappeared up the stairs and I sat quietly in living room. She wasn't gone long, returning to sit next to me, her warm thigh pressed against mine. “So, Quinn... is this what you were after when you called me?”

I shrugged. “Not specifically, but it's what I want now...”


I glanced up the stairs, almost asked about her daughter, but Mira broke in, “don't worry, she's in her room, she's not coming out...”

My hands moved quickly to her cheek and neck, caressing her lovely dark-brown skin. I felt her breath catch as I touched her, Mira's eyes closing and her lips parting slightly. I kissed her again and pulled her over me, moving down her body, cupping her large, heavy breasts with both hands.

She reached behind her and unsnapped her bra, letting her tits fall free under her dress. I pulled down the straps and marveled at the way her mounds hung from her body. She was motherly, no longer perky and firm, but her tits were tender and warm, so wonderful in my hands. I sucked one large, brown nipple, then the other, both hard and tight in my grasp.

I pushed her back against the couch and helped her slip out of her dress. She wore a pair of black, g-string panties which I quickly pulled down her legs and off. I could smell her arousal as she spread her legs and I moved closer to her genitals.

Rich, earthy, meaty odors caught in my throat and had my cock pounding. I loved the way her pussy smelled, and I spent a few seconds gazing into her tightly-trimmed bush and to where her large, dark labia were open like flower petals. I lapped her quickly, tasting her excitement in the pungent, slick juices. She hummed her approval as I moved from her clit to her vagina and back again, one of her hands caressing her own heavy breast, the other moving freely over my head.

Mira's pussy produced cream in volume, the thick, frothy discharge running liberally from her opening, the contrast of her dark labia and pink insides so amazing to see. I lapped up everything she produced, and soon had her body humping against my face. Mira moaned, “oooh, Quinn... oooh, Quinn... that's it... that's it... like my kitty... mmm... eat that kitty, Quinn... gonna cum... gonna cum... ooooooooohhh... oooooooohhhh... yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss... eat it... ooohh... eat it... ohhhh...”

Fluids rushed out of her vagina and coated my chin, running down my neck and under the collar of my shirt. I licked all I could, her pleasure clear in her moans. Before her orgasm had finished, she pulled at my head, and I rose over her. Her fingers found my belt, undid it, then pushed my pants down to my knees.

She didn't need to tell me what to do. Her eyes were drawn to my cock, freely leaking precum onto her pubes. Her hand snaked around my length, stroked it several times, “oh, yeah, Quinn... oh, yeah, put it in my kitty... that's it... put it in my kitty...” She positioned my cock against the entrance to her vagina, and I sank into her completely in one motion.

Her slick wetness consumed me, the heat from her pussy completely engulfing my dick. She wasn't tight, but for a mother in her late thirties, she was much more snug than I expected. I groaned as I pulled back and pushed in again.

We fucked rapidly for several minutes before I pulled off and motioned her to bend over. Mira did so, her motherly hips spreading and letting me access her pussy from behind. I sank in again, starting to swell and pulse in her body.

“Don't cum... in my kitty... not protected...”

“Ok...” I responded between grunts. I was getting close and started to plan to pull out.

“You can... cum in my dumpster... go ahead... put it in my dumpster...”

I stopped fucking her before I came just from the thought. I gazed down at the dark, wrinkled hole just above where my cock disappeared into her body. I ran a finger around Mira's anus and found it yielded easily. I knelt down and lapped at her butthole, heard her moaning in response. I used a finger to circle her clit while I rimmed her, and Mira came against, drenching my hand, creamy juices dangling from her pussy all the way to the floor.

I stood upright and sank my cock into her ass. She let out a long moan as I sodomized her, her anus tighter than her pussy, but it easily took the penetration. I was close to orgasming. Mira's rectum was squishy and hot, a perfect pocket in which to cum.

I grunted as I fucked Mira's butthole steadily, my penis swelling and burning so wonderfully in her ass. I started to release my load, holding her hips, humping against her body, shooting semen into her bowels in four or five rapid, powerful squirts. Mira hummed as I unloaded, holding still, letting me fill her butt with my hot, sticky cum.

I held inside her a moment, buzzing with euphoria, Mira's anus clenching and spasming randomly, effectively milking the last of my jism into her ass. I finally pulled back and watched the black woman's asshole gape, the reddish insides visible a second before white cum began to push out. I saw only a streak or two of brown in the white fluids which rushed out of her anus and down over her pussy, mixing with the juices already drooling from her vagina.

Mira grabbed her panties and tried to stem the flow from her ass. The g-string was not up to the task, and she chuckled as she tossed them on the floor, grabbing a small pillow to put under her as she sat heavily on the couch. I slid next to her and we kissed again as I caressed her heavy tits.

“Damn, Quinn,” she said lightly, “best I've had in a very long time... mmm...”

“My pleasure... didn't expect that at the end, but I am utterly thankful...”

“Guys like my ass, what can I say... Gotta admit I love that feeling, getting rammed up my dumpster then feeling you shoot it up there... mmm...”

I could only moan my agreement as I rejoined our kiss.

The phone rang a moment later, and I pulled back as Mira stood on shaky legs. She answered it quickly.

“What, right now? Alright, alright, I'll be there as fast as I can.”

She hung up just as quickly, turned to me, said, “Quinn, I'm sorry. I've got to go. My sister just went into early labor.”

“No problem, I'll just... call you?”

“I'd like that. Sorry again...”

While I got my clothes back on, Mira made a couple of calls. After the second one, she swore. “Damn! Can't get ahold of my sitter. Damn!”

“Keisha's thirteen... not wanting her to be by herself?”

“Don't know how long I might be gone. And no, I don't want her here alone where she can have boys over...”

I shrugged. “Listen, I could keep an eye on her. Have her come back to my place. My daughter will be home from the dance, soon. I'm sure we can handle it until you are free.”

Her eyes softened. “Are you sure, Quinn? Look, you don't have to, I suppose I could take her with me...” The tone of her voice suggested she didn't want a moppy teenage girl on her hands at that moment.

“Not a problem. I'm sure it will be fine.”

Mira smiled, said, “thanks,” grabbed the pile of clothes she'd left on the floor, then rushed upstairs, quickly returning with a small bag over her shoulder and causal clothes covering her body.

“She'll be down in a minute. Make sure she locks up when you leave.” Mira drew close to me and kissed my lips. “Thanks, Quinn. I owe you.”

“Not at all. I think... after that... I probably still owe you...”

She laughed and headed out the door while I sat and waited for Keisha.

End of Chapter 14

Read Chapter 15